What's New! 

Hello! This is Ilana Kristeva, Self-Care Vigilante. Thank you for visiting Field of Choices where I share latest happenings and events related to my journey, including self-care tips and techniques, book announcements and events, articles and interviews with leaders and coaches, and my interesting musings. Of course, you may check back here for updated information or sign up to join my email list to receive “the latest” without checking my website.

Thank you again for visiting Field of Choices, where we Play Well, Sleep Well, to Serve Well.

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Ilana & Julie on Motivation Addict April 2019

Ilana Kristeva with Julie Saillant

Live on YouTube: June 17, 2019

💖🐴💖 Julie Saillant and Ilana Kristeva Share Vibrant Energy on Motivation Addict Podcast 💖🐴💖

Have you met my dear friend, Julie Saillant, a great-spirited woman with an incredible capacity to feel and offer her vibrant energy of love? Gracing the airwaves with her gifts, Julie is a Certified Life Optimization Coach, Equine Communicator, Intuitive Empath & Lightworker, Speaker, Writer, and Lifestyle Influencer. I call her "The Horse Whisperer." From the sacred wisdom teachings of horses, she shows people how to achieve a state of Divine Flow, which connects the intuition and the heart. We certainly are on the same page!

Both on and off the air, Julie and I offer much to each other and to our tribes and have a lot of fun doing so. She recently uploaded our interview on her Motivation Addict YouTube channel. We excitedly shared our thoughts on a variety of energy tools, interesting stories, and yes, we talked about my affinity with Sedona, Arizona, and the retreat I have been asked to build there.

Since the recording of the interview, Julie has agreed to join me on my Sedona SuperTeam of workshop/playshop leaders at my "Power of Play Retreat" in 2020. To the table, Julie brings her ability to motivate, inspire, and help people remove obstacles that block them from honoring their authentic self. I love her passion and superpower for holding sacred space for me, you, and anyone ready to live our soul’s purpose and to make a positive impact on the world. Enjoy this interview and come play with us in Sedona, one of Mother Nature's most healing playgrounds! 💜

Ilana and Julie on Motivation Addict's YouTube Channel. https://youtu.be/LaxML5mgAuI

Ilana Kristeva on Motivation Addict Podcast - Live on June 17 2019

Visit Julie Saillant at Motivation-Addict.com


Dr. Gayle Carson and Ilana Kristeva Bring Optimism and Laughter to Audiences

Ilana Kristeva with Dr. Gayle Carson

On the Air: June 17, 2019

💖 Ilana Kristeva Shares Her Attitude of Gratitude on "Living Regret Free"  with Dr. Gayle Carson of SOB Radio Network 💖

Imagine what could happen on the air when you bring together Dr. Gayle Carson—Spunky. Open. Brave.—and Ilana Kristeva, the Self-Care Vigilante! In this episode of "Living Regret Free," Dr. Gayle asked me about my journey from “groaning to glowing” and how I am still able to maintain my sense of humor while living with chronic pain from a progressive nerve disorder plus overcoming migraine headaches, addictions, and the loss of my voice. Listen for the smiles in Dr. Gayle's voice and mine. I hope you will be inspired by our brazen attitudes and obvious capacity to laugh through anything!

My Vibrant Tribe, what an honor it was for me to be on a radio show with Dr. Gayle Carson—a trail-blazing woman ahead of her time—who, since her twenties, has been committed to helping professional women stand up, stand out, and speak up. Wow!

The very first time I heard her voice was at a conference in a room filled with nearly 200 people. When she took the microphone, I dropped everything and hung onto her every word. She was absolutely spunky, wise, and powerful in her body and on that stage. Since then, everything I have learned from and about her has confirmed my impression. I view Dr. Gayle as someone who has paved the way for women to become paid professional speakers. Earning her stripes through countless speaking engagements in local schools, community organizations, and businesses, Dr. Gayle has traveled all over the world, demonstrating that persistence, optimism, and passion can override social norms and expectations.

And now, you can access my lively conversation with Dr. Gayle about our personal experiences in overcoming health issues and breaking through barriers. Confession: I was enjoying myself so much during the show that I put her on the spot, unintentionally, and asked her to be a guest on my upcoming podcast, Instant Gratitude Now, so she can share her favorite self-care tips that have helped her stay vibrant through battles with cancer. Listen to the show to hear what she said. ☺

Ilana Kristeva on Living Regret Free Radio Show - Live on June 17 2019

Visit Dr. Gayle Carson at SpunkyOldBroad.com, Living Regret Free, Women in Business, and SOB Radio Network Show.

Ilana & Joseph on BC 060619

Ilana Kristeva with Joseph Warren

Interview: June 5, 2019

💜🙏💜 Ilana Kristeva and Joseph Warren—BOLD Beyond Boundaries on "Broken Catholic" 💜🙏💜

I am absolutely grateful to have followed divine inspiration that led to my co-creative partnership with Joseph Warren, podcast host of “Broken Catholic” and “Your First $100K.” Back in February of this year, we crossed paths but had no energetic connection, no synergy, no nada. However, at the beginning of Lent this year, all this turned around. Timing is everything. And here we are!🙂

In my eyes, Joseph is a respectful and polite yet unapologetically BOLD person — Bright, Open-hearted, Loving, and Determined to help people bring their greatest struggles out into the open and find strength and hope as they grow deeper in connection with their true selves and with God. In short, he's got guts, guts to say what is in his mind and heart. Grateful to be a guest on his show, I wanted to rise to the occasion and match his courageous heart.

Through our conversation in this episode of “Broken Catholic,” you will learn more of my spiritual journey that brought me from “groaning to glowing”—determination to feel fantastic in my body no matter what. Surprising to both of us, we talked a lot about my gender issue while describing our personal relationships with God. Did I trust Joseph enough to speak about my life-long feelings of having been born in the wrong body? Listen and determine that for yourself.

Gender dysphoria is not an easy topic to discuss, but we feel that if just ONE listener finds this helpful, healing, and hopeful, then we have done our job! Write to me and let me know what you think. And if inspired, join me—and “BC Nation”—in bringing even more Light to the world no matter how dark it may appear. Enjoy this episode!

Ilana Kristeva on Broken Catholic Podcast - June 5 2019

Visit Joseph Warren at JosephWarren.net

Ilana on Thriveology Screen Shot 2019-05-16

Ilana Kristeva with Lee Baucom, Ph.D.

Interview: April 9, 2019

I LOVE the first six letters a beautiful podcast named, “Thriveology.” And the tag line, “Thriving regardless of what life gives you,” is truly music to my ears.

Leaders and coaches, I am pleased to introduce to you someone I regard highly, Lee Baucom, Ph.D., coach, speaker, and thriveologist. Through my experiences with him, I have found Lee to be a very humble, generous, and compassionate person. Imagine how blessed I felt when he invited me to be a guest on his podcast!

"My goal is to help people to thrive. My belief is that too many of us live too little of life...Thriving is deeper than happiness. It is wrapped in meaning and purpose, full of gratitude, and always connected to the world around you." —Lee Baucom, Ph.D.

Now you know why I very much appreciated the opportunity to be on his Thriveology Podcast. Just 2 days after my latest, magical trip to Sedona, AZ in April, I sat and spoke with Lee—trusting him with answers to any question he was inspired to ask. From all that I shared from my heart, he created a perfect title for our episode, “From Rebel to Vigilante (Self-Care).” Listen to this and let us know if you can relate to any of our experiences. Enjoy! 🙂


Visit Lee Baucom at Thriveology.com and LeeBaucom.com

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Ilana Kristeva with Jesse Walker

Interview: March 14, 2019

I would love for you to meet a true warrior, Jesse Walker—Fitness Evangelist/Anti-Aging Warrior who speaks my language, and we definitely march to the beat of the same drum. "You're never too old to get younger!" is the mantra of his company Fit Beyond Forty.

"There is always a reason to do something and a reason not to do something. Which you choose everyday determines who you are."

Jesse Walker

As you learn more about my journey from "groaning to glowing," you will not be surprised that my response to his mindset is "Absolutely!" WHY I connected with him and said "Yes" to his request to interview me for his YouTube channel is THIS: Jesse is true to himself; he walks his talk at home, work, and play. Get to know him, and I am sure you'll agree with me.

Kick back, relax, and enjoy our chat!

Jesse Interviews Ilana: Ilana Shares Self-Care Regeneration, Longevity, and Healing Secrets for Everyone Over 40

Visit Jesse Walker at FitBeyondForty.life

Ilana & Jim Geiger

Ilana Kristeva with Jim Geiger

November 4, 2018

💜 Self-Care, Humility, Mt. Everest, & Napa Valley Film Festival 2018 💜

When I am not coaching the Boston Red Sox from the middle of my living room floor, I spend time with adults who love to play on Mother Earth’s fantastic playgrounds. Upon meeting Jim Geiger, I had no idea he had climbed Mt. Everest at the age of 68. A soft-spoken gentleman who lit up when he heard me speak on healthy eating, training, and mountains—not necessarily in that order, Jim modestly shared with me some of his many personal and professional accomplishments. At a point during which we talked about the value of keeping our ego-driven adrenaline rushes to a minimum, we both nodded our heads. Humility is key to 1) climbing hills, rocks, and mountains, 2) adapting to nature’s volatility, and 3) reaching summits (or not), so that we may return home safely. 💖

This coming week, join us at the NAPA VALLEY FILM FESTIVAL as we celebrate the screening of Jim’s rendezvous with the world’s tallest mountain, Mt. Everest. It is a fantastic film called, ACCIDENTAL CLIMBER, the story of Jim Geiger, a retired forest-ranger and amateur mountaineer from Sacramento who at 68 years old attempts to become the oldest American and first great-grandfather to summit Mt. Everest. Whether you are a weekend hiker or a passionate mountaineer, I encourage you to see this film and shake the hand of this kid at heart. Allow yourself to be inspired. Together, we step out of our comfort zones to cross finish lines with grace, ease, and laughter despite illness, injury, isolation, or age. Yay!

😍See the first four minutes of the film (see clip, below): https://vimeo.com/291205451?ref=fb-share&1 and go to https://www.facebook.com/accidentalclimber/.

Then schedule into your calendar one of these screenings:

November 8th at 1:00pm at Native Sons Hall. Address: 1313 Spring Street, Saint Helena, CA 94574

November 10th at 12:45pm at the Archer Hotel in Napa. Address: 1230 1st St, Napa, CA 94559

November 11th at 5:00pm at the Drive-In at the Calistoga Fairgrounds. Address: 1435 N Oak Street, Calistoga, CA 94515

Visit Jim Geiger at SummitLeaderCoaching.com

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Ilana Kristeva with Buddy Biancalana

August 23, 2018

LOVE or know someone who loves playing sports, especially baseball?

On the outside, I might look like your typical Asian female die-hard Boston Red Sox fan. However, NOT ONLY do I take my own personal self-care lifestyle very seriously, but I also help leaders and coaches in positions of high visibility to feel fantastic in their bodies, prevent injuries, and reinvent themselves. Demanding a lot from our bodies in any occupation or industry can leave us tired and wondering what can do for the rest of our lives.

Here I am with retired shortstop Buddy Biancalana of the Kansas City Royals not because he was part of a team that won the 1985 World Series but because he has been dedicating his life to helping baseball players save their bodies—minimizing injuries and reaching higher levels of performance using many non-traditional tools. He calls his training system, Zone Motion, in which he trains athletes to access processes in their brain allowing them to experience their sport slowing down, not thinking and fluid, effortless motion with great timing.

After having lost the use of my legs and right arm for years, I believe that Buddy is on the right track in helping many, many people. Unfortunately, traditional sports medicine and PM&R (physical medicine and rehabilitation) are still committed to surgery, injections, and medications as leading solutions to resolving injuries.

I love Buddy’s approach because it asks athletes to honor their brains, literally. "The cerebellum is the athlete’s best friend,” he believes. When we activate the cerebellum to help construct our motions with the proper kinetic sequence without interference from the prefrontal cortex, we are taking action, igniting motion through our muscles from a place of balance, chemically and energetically in our bodies. Improving physical performance starts with inaction on the outside but efficient brain activity. The more relaxed we are, the better chance we have of accessing our best Motion. The more fluid the motion, the better the performance.

Buddy's strategy is in alignment with mine: When we are consciously living in the fourth dimension (where we are all connected and where time—past, present, and future—is one) we get to navigate through our lives on this third dimensional planet with greater ease, confidence, and joy. Friends, if you or your loved ones are about to embark upon or to retire from a career that demands tremendous physical exertion, make time to design a self-care regimen that includes meditation and other brain sharpening processes to support the body. Rehabilitating our bodies and reinventing ourselves begins WITHIN us. Reach out to me at FieldOfChoices.com or to Buddy at ZoneMotion.com. Blessings to you all! ⚾😍⚾

Photo: Buddy Biancalana, former MLB Player/World Series Champion (left) and Ilana Kristeva, Self-Care Vigilante/Compassionate Comedienne (right) on July 15, 2018 at the 2018 Sports, Energy and Consciousness (SEC) Festival held at Dominican University of California in San Rafael.


Ilana Kristeva with Dr. Gay Tuerman

August 8, 2018

I have spoken to countless individuals who survived traumatic injuries to their body, brain, and heart space. Have I counted my blessings that I met Dr. Gay Teurman of the Brain Health Clinic in Sacramento and shared an office with her so that we could bring both healing technologies and energy tools to people ready to reclaim their lives? Absolutely!

This brain trauma survivor with a heart of gold and sincere willingness to help people break through walls joined me in celebrating “Instant Gratitude: 365 Days of Grace, Ease, and Laughter” at my book-signing party at Sunlight of the Spirit (2314 J Street, Sacramento) in June. If you have not had the pleasure of meeting her and are interested in neurofeedback therapy, visit her at BrainHealthClinic.org (email: drteurman@brainhealthclinic). Or you may meet her at my Self-Care Comedy, Tapping & Hula-Hooping, and book-signing parties (receive announcements delivered to your inbox by going to FieldOfChoices.com to sign up). 💖🙂💖

Visit Dr. Gay Turman at Brain Health Clinic.


Ilana Kristeva with Rebecca Hall Gruyter, Michelle Gamble Risley, Myron Clifton, Barbara Gross, and Syndee Hendricks
August 3, 2018

On Saturday, AUGUST 11th, I will be back at Sunlight of the Spirit books at 2314 J Street in Sacramento, once again! We all had so much fun there in June at my book-signing party for "Instant Gratitude: 365 Days of Grace, Ease, and Laughter." THIS time, I will be blessed with the great company of FIVE other authors! ...Keep on reading 🙂

Come join us on Saturday, AUGUST 11th from 11:30am-5pm for inspirational sharing of stories, food, book-signing with photo opportunities, and more. Meet me, Ilana Kristeva, the "Self-Care Vigilante" of Field of Choices, Rebecca Hall Gruyter of RHG Media Productions, Michelle Gamble-Risley of 3L Publishing, Myron Clifton of Dear Dean Publishing, Barbara Gross of "Humorous Adventures of Baaaahbara" (my hunch is that she's from Boston), and last but NOT least, the organizer of this beautiful event, Syndee Hendricks of Insightful Coaching. Special thanks to manager Robin Spalty for hosting this fantastic Author Event! Woohoo! 💖🙂💖

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Ilana Kristeva with Per Bristow
August 2, 2018

I met Per Bristow before I knew who Per Bristow was. It was a little over a year ago at the 2nd Annual Sports, Energy & Consciousness (SEC) Festival in San Rafael, 2017. A true teacher, he was a wonderful listener: patient, kind, and asked questions with genuine curiosity while celebrating people’s strengths. Although we did not stay in touch during the past year, the Universe did what it does best, reminding us that we are all connected with only the illusion of separation. And when we consciously give ourselves permission to relax and release our true voice, we are engaging in a process that benefits the greater good. Our job is to focus on the process of learning, training, and BEING ourselves; the Universe takes care of the results or outcomes as we continue honoring the present in the process.

With great joy, I watched Per, voice coach @The Singing Zone, in action as he was the headliner presenter Saturday evening at this year’s SEC Festival a couple of weeks ago. There he was, sharing his perspective on the not-so-palatable subject of fear, and I saw members of the audience smiling and nodding their heads. That's how good he is! Do I believe that his having compassion toward himself is what empowers him to transmit knowledge and compassion to others? Absolutely!

Confession: It took numerous shots before we were able to settle down and pose for this semi-calm, relaxed photo. Chronologically, we are both in our fifties but enjoy our lives like adventurous children filled with hope and curiosity. It’s an awesome way to live, don’t you think? 🎵🙂⛰️

Visit Per Bristow on Facebook @The Singing Zone.


Ilana Kristeva with Scott Ford
July 19, 2018

I feel so blessed to have reconnected with Scott Ford again at last weekend's Sports, Energy & Consciousness (SEC) Festival 2018 in San Rafael. A founding member of this incredibly insightful, forward-thinking organization and a member of the U.S. Professional Tennis Association since 1977, Scott has put his heart into helping countless athletes to live "in the present moment where the past meets the future" to play tennis in the Zone and bring this elevated consciousness to other areas of their lives. From my personal experience, Scott's coaching is magical.

Certainly Scott and I are on the same page in believing that there is no real separation between body, mind, and spirit. Complete alignment helps us flow internally and externally. When I heard him say, "I'm the zone every day because I love the person that comes out—the real me," I wanted to give him a great BIG HUG. So I did.

FLOWING FORWARD: As I continue learning more about myself and expanding my human potential inspired by Scott's work, he will join me in my journey, helping to raise social awareness that each person's taking personal responsibility for their vitality is truly a public health and safety issue as well. One moment at a time, one Conscious Flow Performance at a time, and one Conscious Flow Coaching session at a time, we all will move forward and shine!

Visit Scott Ford at Tennis In The Zone.


Ilana Kristeva with Lynn Kennedy-Baxter and Vaughn Wolff
July 17, 2018

As promised, I am continuing to share more photos from my "Instant Gratitude" book-sigining party (June 30, 2018) at Sunlight of the Spirit Books, Sacramento, CA.

Top: I am with Lynn Kennedy Baxter, R.N., M. A., L.M.F.T., and EFT "tapping" practitioner. You may recognize her name, as she wrote the foreword to my book "Birth of a Self-Care Vigilante" © 2015 and nudged me to publish "Instant Gratitude: 365 Days of Grace, Ease, and Laughter." Visit Lynn Kennedy Baxter at Be Confident Today

Bottom: I am with Vaughn Wolff, amazing violinist, vocalist, and music director. His spiritual life and his endless commitment to self-expression continue to inspire me deeply—to fall in love with life all over again each and every day!