"Heavenly Arms at Shiprock"
Photo by Ilana Kristeva, December 24, 2021
Does Ilana's photography make you happy? Wonderful! Please continue...

Join us on Thursday, March 10, 2022 at 8:00-8:30 a.m. PST so that you may explore what it feels like to be a member of Ilana's High Vibe Tribe*—breathing, stretching, tapping, and laughing for wealth and health—for one hour every week for 12 weeks.
Yes, this is consistency, vitality, prosperity, and FUN all rolled into one!
Reserve your free Zoom ticket below.

Join Ilana Kristeva, Self-Care Vigilante, at her "Recalibrate and Celebrate" Round 2 Kickoff Party where you can:
- take optimal deep breaths while envisioning yourself on Mother Earth's playgrounds (landscape photos by Ilana)
- recite the Mother Earth Serenity Prayer with Ilana's High Vibe Tribe
- share your vision statement, "My Declaration of Resiliency" (Download an editable PDF here)
- ask Ilana questions about how she integrates Pro EFT tapping and Chi Gong to feel fantastic inside and out
- leave the party hopeful with a wonderful taste of "Recalibrate and Celebrate" Every Step of the Way!
*Ilana's High Vibe Tribe is a mastermind group for intuitive entrepreneurs who love to build unique programs that 1) honor human dignity and Mother Earth and 2) create a sustainable work/life balance system for body, mind, spirit, wallet, and planet.
We use these and other energy tools and processes:
- Around the Clock™ (ATC) is a gentle process for letting go of inherited (intergenerational) trauma at the cellular level
- Release Regrets and Rise™ (RRR) is a process for building 3 towers to release multigenerational regret, guilt, grief, and shame and rise like the phoenix!
- Body-Part Reconciliation™ (BPR) is an intimacy-building process to heal injuries to body, mind, soul, wallet, and Mother Earth.
While sharing with you my blend of energy tools, including Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Progressive Energy Field Tapping (Pro EFT) and Chi Gong, I commit to our laughing through tears while dissolving our fears together. Yes!
May we cultivate high frequencies within ourselves and broadcast vibrancy everywhere!
I would like to feel fantastic from the inside out and journey with Ilana's Vibrant Tribe