Birth of a Self-Care Vigilante:
Tap into the Universe for Recovery Book Series, Book 1
Paperback (on Amazon.com) and Kindle eBook (on Amazon.com) and Audiobook (For email announcements, Stay Connected)
"What if your mind, body, and spirit could all agree on what, how much, and how often you should eat? What if all three could select exercises gentle enough to pull you out of pain yet rigorous enough to take you to the next level? What if you could trust your mind, body, and spirit to choose relationships that inspire greater personal growth and harmony in all your interactions?
To these 'what if' questions, I say, “Bring it on!” ~Ilana Kristeva (Birth of a Self-Care Vigilante, p. 181)
In a bold and lively style, Ilana Kristeva takes readers on her journey from "groaning to glowing,” as she surrenders old habits and embraces wisdom of the Universe to overcome chronic pain, addiction, and other serious health conditions. Witness how making daily, living amends to her body—her process known as “Body-Part Reconciliation (BPR)”—not only saved her from losing her legs but also from drowning in her love affair with food, sex, alcohol, drugs, money, and more. Celebrate how this born rebel transformed her arsenal of “yes, but” excuses into active participation in a world filled with limitless possibilities.
Relax and enjoy a unique opportunity to experience life through the eyes of this Self-Care Vigilante. Learn ways in which you, too, can feel fantastic in your body by learning these from her book, Birth of a Self-Care Vigilante:
- 7 Key Ingredients to Vibrancy (list, stories, and descriptions on pp. 123-86)
- 26 Self-Care Vigilante Affirmations (affirmations and stories behind each affirmation on pp. 187-223 and list on pp. 243-5)
- Mindfulness Meditation and Tapping Exercises (one at the end of every chapter)
Be prepared to laugh through darkness with Ilana and emerge into vibrancy!
Ilana brings Birth of a Self-Care Vigilante to audiences by streaming "live" on the internet in her Great Habits Class for Writers and Athletes.
Sign up to receive directly in your inbox Ilana's invigorating, inspirational, and irresistible goodies:
- book release announcements (paperbacks, ebooks, audiobooks)
- invitations to book-signing parties, Self-Care Comedy workshops, and other events
- self-care tips, techniques, and interviews with leaders and coaches on her “What’s New” page on FieldOfChoices.com. Wow!

“Reading about Ilana Kristeva’s crazy journey will give even the most affected by chronic pain (like myself) real hope for exciting new possibilities. I strongly believe that anyone feeling as though they are ‘stuck’ in their position in life could benefit greatly from her book. It is not only a joy to read, but the endorphins from laughing alone can’t help but make you feel better! I love her description of vibrancy: ‘The glow of the dancing flame in our soul that shines within us so brightly that people can see it from the outside.’ She is able to generate vibrancy, inspiration, and excitement in me—and it feels fantastic!
—Tara White, R.N., B.S.N., CRPS survivor, and Facilitator for the Sacramento Chapter of the American Chronic Pain Association (ACPA)

“Ilana’s passion for life and amazing energy really shine through in this book. I think that her candor, warmth, and tenacity will inspire others who have struggled with their health to move forward with hope and optimism. With tremendous determination to prevail, she overcame multiple layers of trauma to reclaim her life. Her willingness to be vulnerable by sharing her story, just to help others, is truly a gift to the world.”
—Lindsay Kenny, EFT Master and Founder of the Pro EFT Institute

“I found the book to have remarkable purity, revealing authentic insight into the mind and spirit of a person with chronic pain. This is a book of hope for the person suffering with chronic pain and offers insight to the people who care. Ilana Kristeva is rightfully unapologetic for being herself, as she is both unique and universal at the same time.”
—Dr. William J. Conard, M.D., Asclepius Pain Management; Developer of the “Asclepius Complete Care Model,” integrating principles of Functional Medicine with BioMedical and BioPsychoSocial pain treatment models

“For those of us desirous of healing, and that can be from the base of all the spirals we traverse, Ilana’s book is perfect. How she humorously shares her journey and invites us in interactively are some of her unique offerings, including her generous sharing of 7 Key Ingredients for Vibrancy and the 26 Self-Care Vigilante Affirmations—all truly outstanding! I will be suggesting this easy while profound read to my clients for inspiration and practical tapping affirmations.”
—Suzanne D. Alfandari, M.S., L.M.F.T., Expert Certified EFT Practitioner and member of Motivational Interviewing Network of Trainers (MINT)

“Having treated many patients with chronic and degenerative conditions, I found that most are unable to get out of the unconscious patterns that have created their illnesses. This story offers much hope to those who suffer. I enjoyed Ilana’s quirky, nerdy, and deeply profound story of pain, suffering, awakening, and recovery and loved her take on many principles: surrender, acceptance, forgiveness, and the beautiful art of practicing gratitude. Thank you for sharing your journey and your humor with the world.”
—Dr. Sean Patterson, D.C., Founder of Body Restore, trainer, lecturer, author of The Pre Diet Plan—Everything That Must Happen Before You Can Successfully Diet to Lose Weight, and radio personality on Money 105.5’s Health & Money

“In its simultaneous humanness and practicality, this heartfelt, humble, and humorous guided tour of Ilana’s journey is captivating to me as a person and as a clinical psychologist and former nurse-midwife. The mindfulness meditation and adapted-Pro EFT passages are truly beautiful and filled with compassion. I found myself implementing some of the techniques for myself, as well as sharing them with clients. This is a book to refer to again and again, for anyone facing health challenges and those wishing to enhance their well-being and self-care.”
—Elizabeth Vitale, M.S.N., Psy.D., psychologist with Psychotherapy Partners, LLC

“I feel my life has been blessed by this book. Ilana’s beautifully crafted words capture the reality of what challenges the human spirit can endure while dealing with unrelenting pain. Physical pain, emotional pain, and spiritual pain form a triad that exists for many, though there is no diagnostic code to cover all its depths. She offers through her razor-sharp humor and loving compassion as a way through to the other side of triumph and peace; her tangible humane teachings shine a light on a future of peace, enthusiasm, and dignity—all the while choosing the joy of laughter.
A devoted fan of EFT and Pro EFT, I love the way Ilana leads us in tapping sequences that speak to the heart of the raw emotions and confusion of finding ourselves where we are in our lives; how we can reset our situation and battle against giving up the very things that continue our injuries to body, mind, or spirit; and how boldly choosing to move ourselves into peace and healing can become a reality—offering an outcome that equals serenity and triumph as a future reality. Birth of a Self-Care Vigilante is a delightful and wonderful contribution to the healing of the reader. Bless you, Ilana, for such a wonderful gift of your talents.”
— Nancy J. Yilk, Integrative Health Consultant, Founder of Optimum Health, and integrative medical science writer, Medical-Surgical Nursing (2nd Edition) with Kathleen S. Osborn (Author), Cheryl E. Wraa (Author), Annita S. Watson (Author), Renee S. Holleran (Author)
Ilana Kristeva, M.P.A., is an "outside the box" proponent of self-care practices that honor profound wisdom from a wide spectrum of healing modalities—West to East and new to ancient. She promotes public awareness of health and safety issues through speaking engagements, books, and Pro EFT™ “tapping” and Chi Gong sessions. Most importantly, this Self-Care Vigilante manages her chronic systemic disease—Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)—and other serious health conditions with grace, ease, and laughter. In her spare time, Ilana performs Self-Care Comedy™ and coaches the Boston Red Sox from the middle of her living room floor.